Brook Taube

Hi, I’m Brook Taube.

For over 30 years I have been a successful entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist.

After founding multiple billion-dollar companies and taking them public, I learned from the inside the challenges, as well as the critical ingredients for success, which revolve primarily around creating the right team.

Over this time, my ventures have provided capital to over 500 businesses that compete in 35 different industries throughout North America, creating tens of thousands of jobs.

I currently serve as an advisor, investor and collaborator. My most important role remains being a father of four and husband.

Interested in creating together? Get in touch.



Brook received a bachelor’s degree from Harvard College. His parents were committed to education and inspired the same for Brook and his siblings. Brook’s mother was a career special education teacher in the local New Hampshire school system where he grew up and attended public schools from K-12 prior to Harvard.  His father was a professor, lawyer and judge whose career also orbited mental health, family law and education. Education has always been a priority for Brook, and he continues to focus on education with respect to his own family and in the way he gives back philanthropically.  


Brook is a seasoned and successful entrepreneur. His experience has focused on financial services, but also has reached more broadly to include healthcare, technology, and other growing industries. 

Brook also has been working with early-stage technology companies focused on creating protocols that appropriately procure and anonymize data, setting standards for how technology should be used in the future.

With over 30 years of experience as an executive, board member and investor, Brook brings a valuable perspective to companies that have growing teams and that benefit from his strategic guidance and help accessing capital. 


Brook has prioritized community involvement from a young age. With a father who was a judge, lawyer, and professor that specialized in Social Welfare, and a mother that taught many children with special needs, Brook regularly engages in and supports activities that aid education and healthcare on a local and broader scale.  Brook is passionate about supporting a healthy and sustainable planet, childhood education and global mental health initiatives. He and his wife have been active supporters of Memorial Sloan Kettering and the effort to provide world class cancer care for many years.  Brook has contributed millions of dollars towards these areas of focus over the last 30 years. 


Brook has varied interests outside of work. He believes that activities and hobbies ground him and encourage discipline and patience that help him personally and professionally.  

He has a passionate love of music, having played the violin and viola since his early childhood.  In addition, he plays the guitar and the mandolin. This love of music has been passed to his children who play guitar and piano. He has served on the Board of the New York Philharmonic and the New Amsterdam Symphony.  His love of and dedication to music have made him a staunch supporter of the arts over the years.

As mental health has been a recurring theme in his investments, his hobbies also include those that help alleviate stress and maintain a healthy mind. Brook is an avid cyclist (road, mountain, and gravel) and he races regularly at an amateur level domestically, and even internationally. He rides for Dave Jordan Racing, a team based in NYC.

In addition to being an accomplished violinist and avid cyclist, Brook loves to surf and ski with his family, and continues to find time for golf and tennis. Brook has always been an avid reader (now more audiobooks than hard copy), and his areas of interest include current affairs, history, science, politics, religion, and biographies of all types.


These are meaningful books that have shaped my worldview, and influenced my actions in the world.


A visual exploration of my life’s journey.


Is Music Important to Life?

Music is an important part of our lives whether we love or hate it. It can be a calming balm in times of stress or a source of joy and inspiration when things are going well. Music is also a form of communication that can bring people together from all over the world. It overcomes language barriers and connects different cultures in a way that words alone can’t do.


Learn More About Me From These Publications


Interested in collaborating?

Brook Taube